Agricultural Loans
Fact Sheet
Financing smallholder farmers to improve their farms and earn a higher income
Group Kilimo Booster (A)
- Amount - 5k - 140k
- Duration - 3 - 12 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
Group Kilimo Booster (B)
- Amount - 100k - 500k
- Duration - 3 - 24 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Loan cycle - Entry loan
Individual Kilimo Booster
- Amount - 100k - 3M
- Duration - 3 - 36 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Loan cycle - Entry loan/Graduate
- Business must be in operation at least for 1 year
Loan Products
- Kilimo Booster loan

Asset Finance Loans
Financing people to purchase assets
Fact Sheet
- Amount - KES 3,000 – KES 3,000,000
- Duration - 6-36 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Eligibility - Kenyan Citizen,
Age 18+ years
Loan Products
- Motorcycle Loan
- Motor Vehicle Loan
- Water Tank Loan
- Clean Energy Loan

Agricultural Asset Finance Loans
Financing people to purchase agricultural assets
Fact Sheet
Beehive Loan
- Amount - KES 5,000 - KES 100,000
- Duration - 3-12 months (no penalty for early repayment)
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Loan cycle - Paid one loan
- Eligibility - Kenyan Citizen,
Age 18+ years
Dairy Cow loan
- Amount - maximum KES 300,000. Seek Exemption for more.
- Duration - 24 months for loans =< 100k,36 months for loans > 100k
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Eligibility -
- Existing and new group small holder farmers
- Existing and new individual small holder farmers
- Monthly member’s contribution.
Loan Products
- Beehive Loans
- Dairy Cow Loans

Business Loans
Financing people to support their own businesses
Fact Sheet
- Amount - 5k - 140k
- Duration - 3 - 12 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Loan cycle - Entry loan
- Eligibility - Business has been in operation for at least 6 months
- Amount - 100k - 500k
- Duration - 3 - 24 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Loan cycle - Entry loan
- Eligibility - Business has been in operation for at least 1 year
- Amount - 100k - 3m
- Duration - 3 - 36 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Loan cycle - Entry loan
- Eligibility - Business has been in operation for at least 1 year
Loan Products
- Nawiri Loan
- Stawi loan
- Shujaa loan

Education Loan
Financing people to get their desired education
Fact Sheet
School Fees Loan
- Amount - 5k - 100k
- Duration - 4 - 12 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Loan cycle - Entry Loan
- Eligibility - Any client with school-aged children presenting a legitimate school fees bill
School Improvement Loan
- Amount - 100k-3M
- Duration - 4 - 36 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Eligibility - School must be in operation at least for 1 year Minimum number of students 50
School Salary Loan
- Amount - 5k - 100k
- Duration - 4 - 12 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Eligibility - Full-time employed staff of a school associated with Musoni
Loan Products
- School Fees Loan
- School Improvement Loan
- School Salary Loan

Wepesi Loan
Financing you when you have an emergency
Fact Sheet
- Amount - 1k - 50k
- Duration - 1 - 3 months
- Registration fee - Free
- Upfront fee - 4%
- Loan cycle - Paid one loan
- 2nd Loan cycle
Loan Products
- Wepesi Loan